
You can become an active member of Animo by joining one of our committees. On this page you can find out more information about each of our committees. You can become an active member in the activity committee, study trip committee, formal committee or the Animo news committee.

Informal activity committee



The informal activity committee is responsible for all informal activities of our study association. As a member of this committee you get to organise all of our social drinks, but also other informal activities like our Animo on Ice activity or our First-year activity. You are of course free to come up with your own ideas, the more creative, the better!


Study trip committee



The study trip committee is responsible for organising the annual study trip. This includes choosing the destination, organising the travels and the entire program. This includes includes organising all company visits, university visits, museum visits and informal activities.




Formal activity committee



The formal activity committee is an extension of the board, and helps with organising and planning formal activities for our members. Formal events that are in the works are things like guest lectures, collaborations with other associations and a symposium. Another responsibility of the formal activity committee is academic support for the members - organisation of workshops, gathering of study materials, and other scholarly aid. 


Animo Media committee



The Animo Media Committee is focusing on the newsletter of our study association and, additionally, our brand on social media. The newsletter was founded in 2018 and has grown steadily since then. When reading the newspaper, you can find updates that are related to our study association - upcoming activities, birthdays of members and more. It also contains columns for Animo members, horoscopes and other interesting articles. In the age of the digital online presence is just as important, which is why we want to offer our members a new platform for creativity - Animo's pages on Instagram, LinkedIn and others. There is a lot of space for new ideas from our committee members!

Lustrum committee



This academic year 2023-2024 marks Animo's 15th anniversary! to celebrate this occasion, we are organising special events for our 3rd Lustrum. The members are invited to join this special committee to assist us in realising the celebrations of Lustrum week and composing an almanac.


Merch committee


 Our newest introduction to Animo is the part-time merch committee. This committee will be in charge of three total merch drops - from concept to design to final realisation - for the study trip, Lustrum, and our regular yearly release.